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DAY 01

DAY 01

Oh San José querido,

Protector esté cerca.

me dedico

A tu amoroso cuidado.

nada tengo

Un regalo tan digno

Pero sólo yo:

te doy mi vida,

Mis ojos y mi corazón,

Mis oídos y mis labios,

mi alma y mi mente,

Todo lo que soy y poseo.

Desde ahora hasta la muerte,

Tómelo usted mismo.

O Holy Joseph,

You took the Virgin,

Mary and her Son,

the Unborn Jesus,

the Eternal Word,

Savior of the World,

Into your own home.

Take me in as well.

Let me stay and dwell

In your family

As your child and serf

To the Eucharist.

O Most Chaste Joseph,

You did guard, protect

The Sacred pur'ty

For our Blest Lady;

The Holy Silence

For Her Son, Jesus.

Do protect and guard

My soul in silence

My heart in stillness

My mind in meekness

My body in cleanness.

Make me so zealous

Loving inner life

Living pure and chaste

que solo miro

Su Santísima Faz

Tu propio Hijo, Jesús.

Querido padre José,

Terror de los demonios,

Al escuchar tu nombre,

Tiemblan de vergüenza,

¡Corriendo para escapar!

Sálvame de sus trampas

Todas sus tentaciones,

Todas sus artimañas y trucos.

no me dejes enojar

Jesús, tu propio Hijo,

María, siempre bendita.

Ayúdame a cumplir

La voluntad del Señor

En humilde servicio.

Con mansedumbre, lo hiciste.

Oh San José querido,

Protector estar cerca

Mi hora de muerte,

Ayúdame a respirar lo último

Llamando el nombre

Jesucristo, mi Señor

Mi Salvador, Mi Dios. Amén.

Man of God: Fear of the Lord

"Now this is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found with child through the holy Spirit. Joseph her husband, since he was a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly." – (Matthew 1:18-19)

Case in point: Joseph was "unwilling to expose" Mary to shame! Why? Being judged by one person is hard enough. We do this to ourselves all the time. But being exposed to the Law, the lawyers and public opinions means certain guilt or even death. This specifically applies in the case of Mary.

For Joseph something is more than meets the eyes; he knows in his heart of heart that Mary and her unborn Baby are pure and innocent but he couldn't comprehend how. So the better path to take is to refrain from condemning and let God be the judge. In fear of God Joseph allows the Lord to have the final word.

What does that mean to you?

Your reflection...

Stop! Stay still for six seconds. Take a deep breath... say slowly:


The Saints on St. Joseph

On his faith and fear

“According to St. Jerome and Origen, Joseph had no suspicion of adultery because he knew the modesty and chastity of Mary. Moreover, he had read in Scripture that the virgin would conceive and that ‘a shoot shall sprout from the stock of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom’. He knew also that Mary was descended from the line of David. Thus it was easier for him to believe that Isaiah’s prophecy had been accomplished in her than to think that she could have let herself descend into debauchery. This is why, considering himself unworthy to live with a person of such great sanctity, he wanted to send her away secretly—like when Peter says to Jesus, ‘Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!'” ~ St. Thomas Aquinas

On the just man

Joseph was an ordinary sort of man on whom God relied to do great things. He did exactly what the Lord wanted him to do, in each and every event that went to make up his life. That is why Scripture praises Joseph as ‘a just man’. And in Hebrew a just man means a good and faithful servant of God, someone who fulfills the divine will, or who is honorable and charitable toward his neighbor.” ~ St. Josemaria Escriva

On being holy

“He is Holy Joseph, because according to the opinion of a great number of doctors, he, as well as St. John Baptist, was sanctified even before he was born. He is Holy Joseph, because his office, of being spouse and protector of Mary, specially demanded sanctity. He is Holy Joseph, because no other Saint but he lived in such and so long intimacy and familiarity with the source of all holiness, Jesus, God incarnate, and Mary, the holiest of creatures.” ~ St. John Henry Newman

Our Father...

St. Joseph: Man of God.

Teach us to fear the Lord (3x)

Fundación PAPA

Sacerdote Pare Siempre Apostolado de Oración

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